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Interval scheibenwischer (1517 Klicks)

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Ketil Lund (Gast)  
Hello (I'll continue in English, since I don't write very well in German),
I have a 2001 Zafira 1.8 elegance. According to both the brochure and the manual, the windshield wipers have a variable (speed-sensitive) interval. In other words, the faster you drive, the shorter the intervals.

However, my car has the same interval (ca 6.5 sec) whether the car is standing still, or I'm doing 90km/h (max speed in Norway...). The strange thing is that neither the dealer where I bought the car nor Opel Norway seems to know how this variable interval is supposed to work. I have also searched the internet, but haven't been able to find anything about Zafira having speed-sensitive intervals.

So therefore I ask the Zafira owners here at Langzeittest, do you have a speed-sensitive interval on the windshield wipers, or is it constant, regardless of speed?


PS! Feel free to reply in German


Interval scheibenwischer (1517 Klicks)

Ketil Lund31.03.01

RE: Interval scheibenwischer (600 Klicks)

Stefan G.02.04.01

RE: Interval scheibenwischer (780 Klicks)

Dominik Schorpp07.04.01

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