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Re: engine control unit change (574 Klicks)

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Jose (Gast)  
Jose from Portugal, sorry as I dont speak German at all

I drive my 1.2l Jazz since march (26000km so far) and I am very happy with it...
except the ecu problem (that will be fixed next week, as I hope)

Problems are:
1- if i floor the throttle, the engine starts making a different noise (to much gas sympthom) but doesnt nothing - maintain the speed.

2- in the middle of a hill, even without moving my foot, the stupid ecu usually cuts the gas so I need to shift down.

The "workaround" i found is never floor it, but step it very slowly instead, until it starts speeding (imagine the feeling in a tight over taking)

Here Honda people knew the problem but have been waiting the solution until now.
Think just some (few) units had this problem as I've been searching the web and didint find anyone claiming (except a guy talking of what he thought to be an EGR problem, that really produces the same feeling)


engine control unit change (1201 Klicks)


Re: engine control unit change (526 Klicks)


Re: engine control unit change (462 Klicks)


Re: engine control unit change (384 Klicks)

Markus 111.12.04

Re: engine control unit change (319 Klicks)


Re: engine control unit change (574 Klicks)


Re: engine control unit change (499 Klicks)


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